Milled Parts
Sentinel Plastic Milled Parts
Certainly,, for producing CNC Milled Parts, Sentinel can draw on its many years of Experience, as well as, large capacity capabilities. Thus, the Company produce’s high-Quality Components from most specification Plastics Material.
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CNC Milling Plastics
Further, the term Milled Component Parts, or Milling Machining, are used to describe a Machining Parts process. So, simply put, Milling in Engineering is a method of producing Parts or Components on a Machine, via a cutter, with movement in various directions. Thus, blocks of Material, in this case Plastics, are placed on a Parts Machining table. Finally, Parts clamped to prevent movement, and a cutter removes Material to designated coordinates. An in-depth description can be found here.
Plastic Milling Experts
Importantly, Milling Plastics can differ greatly from the traditionally Milled metals and alloys. Certainly, Experience is key when working with the many different types of Plastics in today’s marketplace. Also, in traditional Milling coolants are commonly key to producing the required results. Noteworthy, when Milling Plastic Materials, coolants must be carefully introduced. Notably, they can be detrimental to the Parts functionality. For example, GPO or Polyester Glass type Materials can suffer from moisture ingress. Hence, with these Materials being used for Insulation in electrical systems, this could be catastrophic. Moreover, the processing of GPO must be without any coolant or cutting compounds. So, this is just one Material amongst many hundreds of types, and variants of types, of available Plastics. Finally, all of which require a particular skill set to Machine.

CNC Milling Parts
Plastic CNC Custom Parts. In short, this is the process of Milling Plastic block via numerically controlled systems. So, Online programming, on the Milling console, or offline programming, PC database programmed and then transferred to the Machine for execution. Again, when Machining Plastics, careful consideration must be taken. Certainly, the very same considerations previously discussed will come into play. Moreover, most today’s work is carried out on CNC Programmed Millers and Lathes. Most importantly, the Company has carefully chosen the high-Quality methods it now employs for Milled custom Parts.

Quality Part CNC Manufacturing
Certainly, whilst being able to offer an excellent reliable Service, built-up over many years. Notably, with individual staff members having over 30 years’ Experience in the field of Plastics Engineering. Importantly, it is essential to be able to back this up with a Quality system that ensures that customers are getting the Components they require, not only on time, but to a high-Quality standard and finish.
Certainly, for many years now, we have been working with the B.S.I. maintaining our I.S.O. 9001 Quality standard. This, combined with a long-proven track record, our commitment to Quality is never in doubt.

Ideally Located For Plastic CNC Milling UK
Plastic Milled Parts – Most noteworthy, being Strategically positioned in the heart of the West Midlands. A valuable position for a business that supplies, Machined Parts, to Companies all over the UK and Europe. Markedly, we have clients in China and the USA as well as in the local vicinity. Also, having an already large client base, among whom it can boast many long-term blue-chip clienteles. Essentially, through reputation, but, also due to a very active and successful marketing team.

Bespoke Machined Components
Importantly, all Parts are Bespoke, customer specific. Either working from Prototypes, drawings or descriptions, making a one off or hundreds of Parts. significantly, the Company has flexibility to meet most requirements.
Contact Us
In conclusion Sentinel is an Engineering Plastic Parts Machining Company, specialising in Plastic Parts in Plastic– Plastic Fabrication of all types of Industrial Engineering Plastics to customer specifications.
A respected Manufacturer of high-Quality Plastic Machined Parts. Some of which Parts includes, base plates, slides, Bespoke Conveyor Parts, Plastic Insulation plates, Bearings, Plastic Machined Parts and Scraper Blades. Plus, many more variations of Manufactured and Fabricated Components used in a wide variety of industries, all made from the huge range of Industrial Plastics available in today’s market.
As a result, we consider ourselves ‘The One Stop Shop’ for Plastic Engineering Components Milled Parts, one of, if not the top Milling Companies in the UK.
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Further, Plastic Materials Machined
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