CNC Milling Nylon
To begin, ever since inception in 1989, the name Sentinel has been synonymous for CNC Milling Nylon. Certainly, consistently, producing high Quality Plastic Parts. Therefore, it is safe to say, for all your Plastic Milled requirements, you are now in the right place. Also, Nylon, alongside many other Engineering Plastics, is commonly Machined to high specifications.

In short, Sentinel have a huge amount of Experience CNC Milling Nylon. Importantly, the Company only Machines Bespoke Nylon Parts to customer specifications, samples or drawings. Hence, the Company’s Plastic CNC Machine shop, specifically caters for nearly all Industrial Engineering Plastic Materials. Of which certainly includes CNC Milling Nylon and its subsidiaries.

Nylon Machined Quality Parts
Ultimately, with over 30 years’ Experience CNC Machining Plastics. Thus, Sentinel‘s production team fully understand the capabilities required to CNC Machine Quality Plastic Parts. Furthermore, having none of the issues many non-Plastic Companies encounter. Certainly, knowing all the specific requirements when Machining all Industrial Plastics, including CNC Machining Nylon, gives a leading edge.
Further, Sentinel is a highly respected Manufacturer of high-Quality Customer Specification CNC Milling Nylon Parts. Hence, receiving regular customer repeat requirements. Also, Sentinel supply many variations of CNC Milled Nylon Components. Thus, used in a wide variety of industries. Moreover, in a quest to meet all customer requirements, Turn around lead times can be extremely quick. This, being mainly due, to being able to choose from any one of the high number of Machines which are at its disposal.
Nylon Sub-strates
First and foremost, Nylon is from the synthetic polymer family known as Polyamide. Probably, the most well-known of Engineering Plastics. In the main, for having excellent wear properties for slide and bearings.
Also, Oil filled, and Glass filled grades are available, commonly known under trade names Nylacast® and Nylatron®.
Thus, Nylon Machines, not only the well know grades of Nylon, 6 (PA6) and Nylon 66 (PA66), but also, PA12, Glass filled, and Oil filled.
Finally, Nylon has a range of colours, usually indicating its substrate form. These are, commonly, black natural or white, but can be blue, grey, red, and yellow.
Nylon Milled at speed
Also, in the video below we show how we can Machine Nylon Parts at speed and to a high accuracy, without compromising a Quality finish.
Follow the link to see our Nylon milling in action – YouTube.
Without doubt, Sentinel have many years’ Experience and knowledge in Milled Nylon exceptional Quality Parts for various industries. Enabling Sentinel to be at the forefront of competitive high Quality Plastic Machining.
High Quality Plastic Milling
Always providing exceptional CNC Machined Plastic Parts through 26 years of Experience in Plastic production. Most noteworthy is having the ability to accomplish tight tolerances. Furthermore, certainly having, a great depth of knowledge, CNC Milling and Turning, the huge variety of Plastic Materials available today. Also, because Sentinel works solely with Plastic, they have a focus that gives them an edge over other competitors in the industry.
Machined CNC Milled Nylon Plastic Parts
Notably, with the added capability of new addition Mazak vertical Machining centre capacity. Capabilities continue to reach new heights. Certainly, for over 30 years, the Company have been Machining. Reliably, supplying all types of Industrial Plastic Parts to Power Control, and the wider Switchgear industry. As a result, have perfected techniques that make us stand out as a cost-effective source for all their requirements. Including, bus bars, Shields, Covers, Epoxy Glass, GPO3, PVC, Polycarbonate Guards, PTFE and Nylon Bushes, Bearings, the list is endless. A one stop shops for Machined Plastic Parts and more.
CNC Milled Nylon Enquiry
To sum up, here at Sentinel, your Engineering Plastic Parts can be Turned or Milled. As well as, Routed and Fabricated. Moreover, Drilling, Taping and Assembly are just some of the other Services available. Hence, whether you require one off Parts, Prototypes, Production Batches or just looking for some help or advice. Our staff are available and willing to help. So, please peruse the website, drop your enquiry on an email or please do give us a call. Send your enquiry today for PEEK CNC Milled Components.
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Do, Talk To Our Experts About Nylon Milling Requirements.
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