Nylon Machining
Sentinel Machines Bespoke Nylon Parts to customer specifications, samples or drawings. Our Plastic CNC Machine shop specifically caters for all Industrial Engineering Plastic Materials, which includes Nylon and its subsidiaries.
Read More About Our Plastic Machined Parts Process:
Nylon CNC Milling
CNC Turning Nylon
Nylon Sheet CNC Routing
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Certainly, having a large capacity and capabilities for CNC Nylon Machining Plastic Parts. Plus, Sentinel can draw on many years’ Experience to producing high quality Nylon Machined Components. Thus, enables many and most high specification Engineering Plastic Materials to be machined to order on site at Sentinel.
Nylon Machined Quality Component Parts
Ultimately, with over 30 years’ Experience CNC Machining Nylon, Sentinel’s production team fully understand the capabilities required to CNC Machine Plastics. Furthermore, the specific skills, experience and technical requirements when Machining all Industrial Plastics, including CNC Machining Nylon.
Sentinel is a highly respected Manufacturer of high-Quality Customer Specification CNC Machined Nylon Parts. Hence, regular customer repeat requirements. Sentinel can supply many variations of CNC Machined Nylon Components, used in a wide variety of industries. Also, to achieve our customer requirements, turnaround times can be quick, this is mainly due to being able to choose from any one of the high number of Machines which are available. With highly skilled setters and operators being flexible in what they achieve.

Nylon and its sub-straits
Nylon is from the synthetic polymer family known as Polyamide. Probably, the most well-known of Engineering Plastics. Having excellent wear properties for slide and bearings.
Oil filled and glass filled grades are available, commonly known under trade names Nylacast® and Nylatron®.
Our Nylon Machining takes place on not only the well know grades of Nylon 6 (PA6) and Nylon 66 (PA66), but also, PA12, Glass filled, and Oil filled.
Nylon has a range of colours, usually indicating its sub strait form. These are commonly black natural or white, but can be blue, grey, red, and yellow.

Benefits of Nylon
The variations of Nylon have the following attributes: Good thermal resistance, good resistance to some chemicals, low coefficient of friction, self-lubricating. Also, good electrical insulating properties, mechanical strength, fatigue resistance and excellent wear resistance.
Where Used, housings in electrical industries, nuts and washers in automotive, buffers and stops in mechanical environments.

Nylon Milling & Nylon Turning
Computer numerical control Plastic Machining, or CNC Machining, is the automated action of Material removing from a Plastic Part. Importantly, our Plastic CNC Machining Services are available utilising our vast range of CNC Machines and in-house Engineering Plastics Fabrication capabilities. Our top brand name Machines can achieve high standard finishes and sizes of Milled & Turned Parts every time. We keep High Quality standards which form Part of our ISO9001.
Skilled in all Plastic Machining Fabrication
Importantly with our skilled team of Machinists, we can manufacture a huge variety of Components for just about any industry. Our modern CNC mills, saws and lathes allow us to offer our CNC Machining in the UK for one-off prototype Components or for large bulk orders of Components all created with great precision. We have a great knowledge of our tools and the Materials we work with, which we make great use of; providing advice on Material selection to ensure that you get the most suitable Material for your project.
To find out more about our Services or the Materials that we most commonly use, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Most of all we are always happy to answer any questions and provide expert advice to ensure you get the highest Quality items, made from the most suitable Materials.
Your requirements for finished Components can be met by our Machining division and our Plastic Machinists, which can offer a flexible Service for both small and large batch requirements. Inquiries will be dealt with promptly by our estimating department, with a response generally within 24 hours.

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