Sentinel Plastics Ltd 30 Years Old
July 17, 2019
Sentinel Plastics Ltd 30 Years Old
Happy Birthday Sentinel Plastics Ltd!
30 years old, and thanks to you were healthy, successful and still growing.

As you can see from the website the company has developed into, what we believe, is by far the best plastic CNC Machining and combined Fabrication company in the UK Today.
It may be a bold statement, but with over 20 different types of CNC machines, a skill set of staff second to none, (many of whom have seen over 25 years services within the company). Suppliers with long standing relationships, which helps enable Sentinel to command a quality service with competitive costs. We believe It’s a well-grounded declaration.
Firstly, our understanding of all the many types of sheet and rod form plastics, is second to none!
Our knowledge on the requirements for Milling accurate quality plastic parts, again, second to none!
While, our versatility to produce a 1 off or 1000 off turned or milled parts, may I say, second to none!
Sentinel Plastics Ltd is second to none at Routing large sheets (3Mx2M), fabricating polycarbonate (Lexan, Makrolon) bespoke parts, sub assembly, Insulation industrial plastics, engineering plastics and much more.
Finally, credit where credit is due. We have a superb crew on board our happy ship. And those pulling the ropes help steer a true and prosperous course. Many of you know them well, Cally (Production), Steve (Sales/Technical), Ryan, (Production/Technical), Mark (quality). Well done team!
Here’s to a bright future, which will surely follow on from our successful present & past.

Cheers all.