Sentinel Machinists of ©Tufnol 6F45
June 13, 2017
Tufnol 6F45 Machined Parts to Customer Specification
Firstly, 6F/45 is a Cotton fabric-based Epoxy laminate. At Sentinel, we are Tufnol Machining specialists. Moreover, machining Tufnol 6F45 regularly. A Fine weave cotton/Epoxy resin laminated Plastic (SRBF – Synthetic Resin Bonded Fabric)
To begin, some general information can be found, from ® Tufnol. Most notably, information about synthetic resin bonded fabrics for Engineering applications and Machined Components.
Please do, send us your enquiry. 

Tufnol is a Trade Name – Of which, 6F45 is Just one Type
Most noteworthy, ® Tufnol 6F45 Epoxy cotton grade has a unique combination of properties. Hence, making it particularly useful for applications requiring extra performance. Especially relevant, is the good all-round performance, good dimensional stability and outstanding machinability. Finally, its principal features are its excellent electrical properties,
Further, ® Tufnol 6F45 is made with a specially modified Epoxy resin. Thus, gives a high Insulation resistance and electric strength. But also, exceptional resistance to surface electrical tracking. Also, first class electrical properties, which, when combined with the excellent wear resistance, of fine weave cotton, provide, a combination of properties not found in other grades.
Most notably, grade ® Tufnol 6F45 is mechanically strong. And, resistant to a wide range of chemicals. Furthermore, it has low water absorption and good dimensional stability. Resulting in, a fine tolerance and a superb, Machined finish to Materials, such as 6F45.
Certainly, virtually all laminated Engineering Industrial Plastics Materials can be Machined and Fabricated at Sentinel Plastics.
We are a Company offering our customers a wealth of knowledge. Thus, covering the huge range of Engineering Industrial Plastic Materials. Available in, Sheet, rod, Fabricated and Machined form.
Impressively, Sentinel has Five Engineering Industrial Plastics CNC Routing Machines. All of which, can produce any cut shape. From the extensive range of Industrial Plastics available in today’s market. Visit our Engineering Materials Page.
With Tufnol, phenolic cotton Materials are the workhorse grades for general mechanical applications. Further, they are strong and tough with very good wear resistance. Also, easy to Machine into finished Components.
Tufnol Sheets are available with cotton fabric reinforcements. These, range from fine weave to coarse. In general, the medium to coarse weave grades are used for larger and more rugged Components, Thus, requiring good all-round strength and toughness. Similarly, the finer Tufnol fabric grades are chosen for their superior finish, higher dimensional stability and improved strength in thin sections.
Also notable, the electrical properties also tend to be superior in the finer weave grades. But, the range includes a medium fabric weave, with enhanced electrical properties, suitable for electromechanical application. Notably, the two most widely used Tufnol cotton fabric grades are: Carp Brand and Whale Brand.
6F45 Sheet
BS EN 60893-3-2 Type EP CC 301
BS 2572 Type F6
6F45 Round Rod (Rolled & moulded)
BS EN 61212-3-3 Type EP CC 41
6F45 Rectangular Bar
BS 6128 Part 4 Type PF CC 41 & 42
(BS 6128 will shortly become obsolete.)
6F45 Hexagon Bar
BS 6128 Part 6 Type PF CC 61 & 62
6F45 Round Tube
BS EN 61212-3-2 Type EP CC 31
6F45 Rectangular Tube
BS 6128 Part 13 Type PF CC 131
Also notable, are the electrical properties. I.E. they tend to be superior in the finer weave grades. But, the range includes a medium fabric weave. Thus, having enhanced electrical properties. As such, suitable for electromechanical application. Notably, the two most widely used Tufnol cotton fabric grades are: Carp Brand and Whale Brand.
SRBF TO BSEN60893 (BS2572)
Further, Phenolic Cotton Grades
- 3-4-PFCC305 (F1)
- 3-4-PFCC204 (F5)
- 3-4-PFCC203 (F2)
- 3-4-PFCC203 (F4 or F2/1)
The information given here is believed to be correct, but completeness and accuracy are not guaranteed. The user shall be fully responsible for determining the suitability of products for the intended use.
Credit & Source: ©Tufnol grade 6F/45 | SRBF | laminated fabric | cotton fabric laminate | Machined components
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